Now With 25% More Adjectives Yes, we've made another change. Lubbock OnLine has become Life OnLine. However, it is still the same, cuddly LOL Newsletter that you have grown to love. The newsletter is now published by RTFM Productions instead of LeMUG. In fact, we are now no longer affiliated with any user group. RTFM Productions was formed primarily to produce the newsletter. We also have an agreement with Mark Wall, the creator of DOCMaker, allowing us to create custom DOCMaker documents for shareware authors, etc. And, we now do web pages as well. For examples of our work, just read this issue and check out the web site. That's right, our very own web site went up on the 7th of August at . Since that time, the site has grown. It now includes an index of old issues, links to our contributors, various Mac internet links, and the newsletter in HTML format. In fact, this issue will be the first complete issue done in the HTML format. So, please stop by and give it a look. Also, the entire staff of the old newsletter made the move. In addition, we now have several non-local contributors. This goes along with our new, broader focus. This newsletter is written by everyday Mac users about everyday products. For instance, you won't see reviews of multi-thousand dollar scanners, but you will see reviews of ten dollar shareware programs. Let's get back to our two new writers. David Hamilton wrote this issue's article on the MacExpo. He will be contributing articles and reviews in the future. Clint MacDonald will be hosting a column called MacMedicine, detailing performance tips and hints, as well as answering mail-in questions. They are both welcome additions to the newsletter. Also, Dave Slipp wrote a guest column this issue detailing the Complete Conflict Compendium, a new Net Resource for Mac users. So, thanks again for withstanding change. The LOL Newsletter is an ongoing project, meaning that there will be improvements as we progress as a publication. Don't become too comfortable with us. As usual, if you have any comments on the newsletter, please write directly to me at